Outdoor living – In seventh heaven
Create a location of complete indulgence for yourself! You determine the interplay between sun and shade,
ensuring revitalisation and a pleasant temperature independently beneath your louvred Artares roof.
That is how you get precisely what you want
You would like to generate a unique interplay of light and
shade in your favourite outdoor space? Or protect yourself
against the sun? If so, simply rotate the Artares louvres to
the desired position via the hand transmitter. Thus, you
can create a magic atmosphere yourself – with unparalleled
sun protection
It’s too hot for you under your louvred roof? Opening
the louvres via the remote handset allows the warmer
air to rise and fresh air to circulate. How much? That’s
your decision, depending on how the louvres are
positioned. That’s how you regulate your individual
bioclimate – in a fully natural environment